
Cheree is not only one of our best instructors, she is our Group Fitness Coordinator too!!! Cheree is a former Collegiate Cheerleader, who has worked at the corporate level in the Health & Fitness industry as a Wellness Director, Director of Personal Training, Fitness Educator, Wellness Consultant, and Event Coordinator for the National Fitness Education Organization.
She is also a Venice Nutrition Coach, and has partnered with Mark MacDonald (CNN Nutrition & Fitness Consultant, American Diabetic Association National Ambassador, and author of the New York Times bestseller, “Body Confidence”) to further education efforts.
While skilled in many fitness aspects, Cheree specializes Youth Sports Agility Training, Boot Camp, and incorporates her knowledge as a Sports Nutrition Consultant to maximize clients’ results.
Certifications:AFAA Personal Training, AFAA Kickboxing, AFAA Group Exercise,
R.I.P.P.E.D. Master Trainer, Kangoo, Sports Nutrition, Silver Sneakers.

$150K Liquid Assets
$300K Net Worth